Linggo, Pebrero 8, 2015

My Reflection

A New Chapter Ends: The Last 4th Grading Period

There is one art of which every man should be a master. The art of reflection. If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all? What you are today is the result of what you have thought up to this moment.What you will be tomorrow depends the thoughts you think from now.
- Coleridge -

     This is the last grading period in school year 2014-2015 and this is also my last blog for this year. The end of my high school life is fast approaching. I do not think my best memory of my life has approached me yet. However, I feel my high school years have been the most memorable. I strongly believe  that high school is the open door into the rest of my life. The last days of my high school career are fast approaching and I can only imagine how I'll be feeling when I step out of Ilocos Sur National High School grounds. for the very last time. Throughout these four years, I have felt a lot of urgency about graduating high school.  I didn't think that the time to graduate would come soon enough. Now that the time is finally nearing. I cannot believe that it has come this fast. I remember my first days of high school. I was just dying to experience  to experience all the new things that awaited me. I just wanted to know what everything was like. Now that I've all those things and many more, I'm about to embark on a new adventure that will take me too other says many more new experiences. Some say that high school was the best time of his or her life; just like other say that high school was the worst time in their lives. To be honest, I am not sure which category I fall into. I've had a plenty of good times, as well as just many bad times. The only thing I can say is that I learn. And the most important thing is that, not just that I learned through the books, but I learned about life and the road ahead for me. From being an inexperienced sophomore to a somewhat mature senior, things have really change for me. 
     In my T.L.E ICT subject I have a lot of lesson that I learned I also give thanks to our teacher Mrs. Evelyn in teaching us well. I have too many ideas and knowledge that I gain with this subject and I hope I will apply this in future.

Sabado, Pebrero 7, 2015


Dreamer: Is What Every Big Dreams Begin

"Life is a song- sing it. Life is a game- play it. Life is a challenge- meet it. Life is a dream- realize it. Life is a sacrifice- offer it. Life is love- enjoy it."
      What does a dream mean if taken on a scale of people's life? Dream is something that all of us need to have. It is our vision. Dream is what you want to do for your future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. And I know we have our big dreams. Apparently, it means a lot; because people are used to hold on their dreams, to protect them from the infringements of the other people, to strongly believe that without dreams their life will be ordinary and senseless. The thing is our ability to dream plays an important role in our life: it helps us, gives moral support in an hour of sadness, helps to believe in ourselves to go through the difficulties and offences. As for me I always dream to voyage around the world and imagined myself on a huge cruise vessel full of large luxurious boutiques, night club and other entertainments.
     When I was a child, my teachers and parents said to me, people who have no dreams of the future will not fly far away; because of my inspiring words from my parents and teachers I will try my best to achieve it someday. When I was still in the young age I dream to become a doctor who specialized in dermatologist and pediatrician. I know it is not simple at all to become a doctor. It take many challenges and full of ups and downs it is hard and money or financial status doesn't agree at all, but i will double my strength. It is not simple to take this kind of profession, but I know I can achieve it I feel like this is my destiny. This is why I came to this world. I don't know when or how I am going to achieve this but on thing I know is to strive harder. I have so many dream in life I want also to have a big and beautiful house which has a relaxing and earth friendly garden, to have a luxurious cars, branded clothes and apparel, high costing gadgets and jewelries, to roam around the world, and to have a business. I want them all to become possible nothing in this world is impossible. I am constantly studying in Ilocos Sur National High School right now. I cannot give up even if i fail. There is a saying that failure is the greatest teacher. I know in order to pursue my dream, I will face failure. This cannot be stopped. Even Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton faced failure when they are trying to create a good formula that is remained to be use till today.
 In over all a person needs to achieve certain goals in one life so that you can tell then successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have a certain goals and I would like to achieve it in my lifetime. One thing more I will find a good job in the future to support my family and help the people. I realize that I am still far from my dream, so i will work hard to make it true.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 4, 2015

Change: It Starts With Me


Change does not roll in the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. It is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
- Martin Luther King Jr./ John F. Kennedy -
 " Some people spend their lives doing things and avoiding change. Other, however think that change is always a good thing." In our whole life, we have been presented to a single element called change. Change is inevitable in life. Everything around us is changing with the passage of time. It occurs in many different forms and is carried out in many different ways. However, I have come to the realization that change can be the deepest of all subjects. I always assumed to myself that change occurred when you move to a near town or when you lost someone close to you, but change doesn't have occur over a single dramatic event. It can just happen overnight when your brain determines its time to do something different. The reason that somebody wants to change is usually no their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their head and heart. Its almost like a celestial force is making you change and you have no say in the matter but you know you have to because your mental and physical attributes  are commanding to you. Maybe the change isn't the best change. 
   We people are always changing right? if not always but moderately we experienced this things whether this can be good or bad in the eye of others. We all know they are different kinds of changing, changing friends, place, attitude and others. In this kind of changes we always need a person who will guide us and offer his or her opinion, they help us to go through whatever we wanted to go through because they will do what they need to do regardless of the people that they really do love. Like what my experience brought me when I started to change, many of my classmates suggested me about it and some of them gave me a lesson or guide. For some obvious reason, people reject change, especially people who are close to each other, because they feel that this change is going to separate them and make them not as close as they used to be. Remember change is always starts with us, change doesn't exist if we will not make an action to make it different. I believe that the people who are in favor of bringing changes in their life argue that change is very important to break the monotony of life. In my personal opinion change is the law of nature. The group of people who deny change are afraid of the after effects and not ready to except the challenges of life. It cannot be denied that change can cost a lot but it is also undeniable that is also brings prosperity if decisions taken properly.
   Change may give negative and positive result in our lives, but in order to have a good decision or outcome of the changing we need to face them with our strength and confidence. We need to resolve all the challenges and obstacles that may buried in our way through the life of change.

Sabado, Enero 31, 2015

INSIGHT: Ylocos Kannawidan Festival

Overriding Inheritance
Revives the Ylocano Culture
- Kannawidan-

That everyday should be a fiesta seemed to me a marvelous discovery.
-Hernest Hemingway-

        Have you ever been to the province of Ilocos Sur and be a part of the Kannawidan Festival? If not then try to visit the heart of Ylocos, one of the Seven Wonders Cities, Vigan, where the celebration takes place every after Vigan City Fiesta, specifically Longganisa Festival. Ilocos Sur is a province, which has it's rich and spectacular cultures and traditions that the Ylocanos must be proud of and as an annual festivity, the Local Government of Ilocos Sur has arranged an activity the would exhibit and promote products of our and precious cultures ofIlocanos to entice tourists to come and visit Ilocos which is noe called the " Kannawidan Ylocos Festival". This Festival is a week long bustle of happiness for local and foreign tourist, that aims to create awareness of the preservation of the province rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province. There is a need to preserve our rich heritage and unique culture. This festival means the variant Ilocano word "tawid" meaning heritage, on the other hand it means tradition and this province go showcase all what she has. We Ylocanos are on our way towards productivity and economic upturn.
    Kannawidan Festival prepare an Ilocano way of activities, there was the tribal performance of the cultural communities of Ilocos Sur which is so very fascinating. They displayed their talents as well as their indigenous costumes. Partuat ken Patanor Trade Fair showcased the products of the province such as bagnet,  longganisa, garlic, tinubong, bibingka and many other foods including handicrafts. There was even eating contests of these delicacies of Ilocos Sur as well as basi drinking contest. Traditional games were played and bingo as well. There were sarsuela and komedya Ilocana which were shown. Choir competition was also held, battle of brains and beauty was witnessed during Saniata ti Ilocos Sur pageant the highlight of the festival. Art exhibitions and competitions are also conducted.
      What is the essence of Kannawidan Festival? The essence of  this to the people Kannawidan is one way to experience, know, love, and learn the different cuisines, cultures, traditions, and exhibits of their own province, of their own place. This festivity has a great impact for the people for it shoes how their province lives and lives. This activity creates a magnificent influence that pulls people together in one area of the province and makes an amalgamating one in a year experience as traders  all over the province and all over the Philippines showcase their wide array of reasonably priced products. For traders, Kannawidan is a place, an activity and away of how their living worked and works. This festival is a place of showcasing products like horticulture, furniture's, crafts, cuisines and the provinces "One town One Product" . This festival is the best place to enjoy nature's gift, it is the best place to create a market of beauty, food, and creativity. We Ylocanos are showing are hospitality, creativeness and beauty.
           Kannawidan: this is Ylocano, this is all what we have, here we are to cheer up our unique culture, tradition and our Ylocano way. In Kannawidan we live inquisitive and inherited by this precious treasure. SOAR HIGH ILOCOS SUR!!!!!!

Biyernes, Disyembre 26, 2014


     ICT. Information Communication Technology. This is our subject in TLE IV we've been studying computer subject since 3rd year but when we are in the 4th year we move up into another level of technology. I learn a lot in the world of web, THE INTERNET. I discovered how powerful, how famous it is. I learn what is the history of the said internet, the different services that the internet can give. I believe that we are now in the modern world of computer and technology. 

    Studying ICT is not easy especially the computer terms. I admit that I am am ignorant in terms of computer. In ICT , it is my first time to encounter the online diary called blog. I learn that blog, it is the term that comes from "web blog". I was challenged of this computer terms so I made a research and be familiar with these terms.

     However these computer terms make my studies in ICT miserable. How can I operate a command if I don't know what it is for? I said to myself that it is time to leave the world of ignorance, it is the the time to discover and go beyond the line of modernization and technology. I've done, and pass by studying and discovering these terms by using the computer itself.

     When 3rd grading comes in our ICT subject. I encounter many problems and I was amazed of the new technologies that computer can make in our life. I learn about the said notepad and how to make a web site, it is really fun and exciting. I say to myself that I already pass to the world of ignorance.

Martes, Disyembre 23, 2014

New Year, New Me

January: A Brand New Start, A Better You

      New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this trans formative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change. Let our New Year's Resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. New year is consider to be the must important and wonderful holiday and the most celebrated days in the world, since that is the time for people to leave their haplessness in the back and get their fortune for the new year. The day is shaped by different customs and traditions. Each culture celebrates this holiday in its own unique way. The people start to prepare for the holiday at least one month in an advance. The preparation begins by buying presents and decorating houses. For the information of the body New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count is incremented.
    January is a good month. Is it not God great that He classified time in months and years so that somewhere in between our life journey, we get another month start anew? It signifies a brand new start or maybe another chance to do certain things.Oh it's new year again! As a usual practice, many of us make New Year resolutions. We make list of things that must be done in the coming year for our desire to evade and not to repeat our wrong-doings in the preceding years. "Nobody is Perfect." This is a famous English adage. each of us commits mistake and is prone to sin. Nobody is free from failures. This has always been our alibi. Usually, other people notice and comment on our mistakes. Sometimes, we have the capacity to identify our own mistakes or negative traits but we seem to become ignorant or we have that prevailing pride, so we refuse to correct our own selves. Maybe you can hardly understand and forgive the least faults committed against you by other people. As my New Year resolutions, I will promise to myself that I will study harder in order to achieve my goals and aspirations in life, I will be more patient and more understanding next year. That's me when 2015 comes!

Sabado, Disyembre 13, 2014


Christmas And Me

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. It is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.

     Christmas is the birth of Christ our Savior and Redeemer of our sins. It is the longest and happiest feast day of the year. It is the time of giving. It is the time for forgiveness. It is the spirit of sharing and giving to all friends and humanity.
     Usually when Christmas is fast approaching many people decorate their houses with lanterns and Christmas lights. Many people rejoice because they are thinking of the gifts that they are going to receive from their friends and relatives. Some people also take this chance to have a vacation in other places. It is also the time of family reunion especially if some members of the family is far from them.When this very special day is approaching everybody prepares food such as bibingka, suman and others. For me, Christmas is the spirit of receiving gifts from godparents. For them it is the time for wearing new clothes.
        For me Christmas has a deeper meaning. It means love. Love for our relatives and friends but most especially to our less fortunate brothers. This is the day when we bestow our forgiveness and love to our fellowmen. Christ was born only once. He grew up and became man, sacrificed himself on the cross, died and came back to life. This Christmas let us feel the joy of His rebirth and resurrection. Let us feel by Love by means of sharing with others.
     So now, for me Christmas is not all shopping, downing new clothes, preparing so many foods, giving expensive gifts. Above all Christmas means love-love for Jesus as reflected in our love for our fellowmen. And let us not do these only on Christmas day but all day of our lives.

I don't want a lot For Christmas; There is just one thing I need; i don't about the presents; Underneath the Christmas Tree. I just want you for my own; More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas Is YOU.